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Natural space to mark lives lost to Covid-19

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Natural space to mark lives lost to Covid-19

A natural commemorative space will be created in Malvern Hills District in memory of the lives lost during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cllr Sarah Rouse, Leader of Malvern Hills District Council, confirmed talks were underway with a landowner who was willing to offer use of land for free.

The space would be developed as a natural place of reflection, where residents can remember loved ones, as well as mark the significance of the pandemic.

More details will be announced once an agreement has been confirmed.

The announcement comes ahead of the National Day of Reflection on Tuesday, 23 March, which marks the one-year anniversary of the first national lockdown.

It is being spearheaded by end of life charity Marie Curie as a way of encouraging people to reflect, remember and celebrate the lives of everyone who has died from Covid-19 and other causes. People are also being encouraged to reach out to those bereaved who may have lost someone to the virus, or to another cause, and have been unable to mourn properly because of coronavirus restrictions.

Official figures show 141 people in the district have died where Covid-19 is mentioned as a cause on the death certificate.

Residents are being asked to pause at midday on 23 March for a minute of reflection. At 8pm people are also being asked to shine a light from their doorstep or from their window, in memory of those who have died and those bereaved.

Cllr Rouse said: "We mourn each and every loss of life as a result of this terrible disease, but we also give thanks for the tremendous efforts of our local NHS who have saved hundreds more.

"I am also grateful to each and every resident and business in this district. Many, many more people are alive today because you have played your part by staying at home, looking after each other and making many sacrifices to control the spread of this virus.

"We still have a long way to go and must be careful not to put it all at risk as we start to come out of lockdown.

"But wherever you are at midday on Tuesday, I urge you to pause to remember the lives lost, give thanks for the determination and hard work of our NHS and all key workers, and draw inspiration from the way we continue to pull each other through this challenging time as we look to build a much brighter future."

Malvern Hills District Council has produced a short video to mark the day using items submitted to the Malvern Hills District Covid-19 Memory Bank. Visit our Facebook page from 23 March to view it.