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Emerging Trends

It’s important to identify the emerging tourism trends taking place nationally and internationally to ensure this Action Plan takes into consideration the current changes in consumer behaviour and to predict longer term trends.  These trends have been forecasted via online research, and will be reviewed throughout the four-year Action Plan to ensure the viability of our strategic aims and objectives.

Staycation Effect

  • The Covid-19 pandemic will determine consumer behaviour for choosing a holiday destination for an undeterminable amount of time.
  • The impact of Brexit may also put more emphasis on staycation breaks.
  • Overseas travel will occur less frequently, and consumers will seek out less crowded destinations; avoiding cities and tourism hotspots.
  • Consumers will want to explore lesser known destinations, with a shift from international holidays to a more local experience; with unique activities and heritage, whilst being able to enjoy the great outdoors.
  • As more people rediscover the UK, there may be the revival of UK seaside and spa towns as the combination of warmer weather from climate change and a desire for a more environmentally friendly holiday encourages more people to holiday at home.

Safety and Health

  • Consumers will seek out destinations which are at the forefront for minimising the spread of the virus, with safety and cleanliness measures in place across towns, parks, and businesses to keep visitors, residents, and staff in a safe environment
  • Visitors will be looking for accommodation options which allow for social distancing, so boutique hotels and B&B’s promoting Covid-19 safety measures may be a safer alternative to larger 100-bedroom hotels. There will be an increase caravan and motorhome sales as people look to reduce contact with others. Camping holidays will also increase as people want to spend more time in the countryside.
  • Food wise, buffet style breakfasts will need to be replaced with a table service and alternative lunch options, like picnics, will need to be provided to give the customer more choice of where they would like to ea There will also be an increase in alfresco dining, with many restaurants introducing outdoor pods and new seating areas to help with social distancing.  Menus need to be disposable which could help to increase the use of local seasonal produce in new menu creations as it allows new menus to be created at anytime.
  • Visitors will want to go to outdoor festivals and events with reduced capacity and a reputation for excellent healthy and safety measu Indoor attractions and events are likely to feel the affect with fewer visitors, staying for a shorter amount of time.
  • Consumers will be researching a lot more before they travel, and they will want to be reassured that businesses are adhering to Covid-19 guidance and regulation
  • There will be an increase in the number of people researching on Trip Advisor for up to date reviews and sharing experiences via social media channels
  • An increase in small, organised groups will be a better alternative to independent travel using public transport, due to a standardised approach to safety when it comes to social distancing and taking active health measures on board vehicle
  • People will want to travel less on public transport, and coach travel will be severely impacted as people travel in smaller group

Green Tourism

  • Mass awareness of climate change is changing peoples’ desires to seek out holidays that have a lower impact on the environment.
  • Destinations with a good reputation for tackling climate change who have a clear plan for the local community, local businesses, and visitors to adopt ‘greener’ practices will be sought out by consumers.
  • Destinations and businesses that adopt a green code of practice, attract a more responsible tourism
  • Consumers will seek out locally sourced food and drink produce and will be drawn to regions with a reputation for producing healthy and organic food.
  • Visitors will be looking to give something back to help the local community and natural environment

Digital Detox

  • With the recent increase of home-working consumers will be looking for ways to escape technology
  • Visitors will want to explore off-the-beaten track and rediscover the great outdoors, with visitors after a more active holiday – walking, cycling, canoeing and adventures
  • Increase in visitors choosing camping and glamping accommodation
  • Health and well-being destinations like spa resorts will be popular, as people focus on improving physical and mental health, and seeking out destinations with the cleanest air and water
  • People will be more interested in new hobbies and pastimes and learning a new skill whilst on holiday


  • Before the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism trends were showing an increase in accessible experiences and accommodation options to allow for people with disabilities and mobility needs to have a wider choice of where to go on holiday.


  • Tailored advice and access to personalised activities will become increasingly important to visitors to enable them to have their own unique experience.
  • Increase in bookings via Travel Agents, as customers strive for reassurance their holiday destination has Covid-19 safety measures.


  • New technology is transforming the tourism industry, with new experiences available via
  • Smartphones, Apps, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Tours.
  • Websites will need to adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and websites will be downgraded in search engine results if they fail to do so.