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Leigh and Bransford Neighbourhood Plan put to public vote

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Leigh and Bransford Neighbourhood Plan put to public vote

Residents in the parishes of Leigh and Bransford will have the chance to vote on whether or not they support the parishes' Neighbourhood Plan during a public vote on 3 November.

The Leigh and Bransford Neighbourhood Plan sets out a vision for the parishes up to the year 2041 and includes 28 planning policies to guide development.

To ensure that a sufficient number and range of homes are provided to meet the needs of the parishes up to 2041, the plan includes a site allocation for 52 dwellings, together with land for sports and recreation, off the A4103 at Leigh Sinton.

The Neighbourhood Plan also seeks to protect the natural and historic environments and ensure that any future development is appropriately located and designed.

It includes policies which seek to retain the open character of the Significant Gap between Leigh Sinton and Malvern, designate new Local Green Space and ensure that any new development does not increase the risk of flooding.

The plan also includes policies to protect key views, valued heritage assets, wildlife sites and valued community facilities

The document has been developed by Leigh and Bransford Parish Council and has been subject to extensive public consultation as well as examination by an independent planning inspector.

In order for any of the policies to come into force, the plan must win the support of 50 percent or more of the vote in the public referendum being held on 3 the Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall between 7am and 10 pm.

If supported by the public vote, the plan will then be adopted by Malvern Hills District Council and used when deciding planning applications.

Neighbourhood plans are a key part of the Government's localism agenda to give local people more of a say on the type, quality and location of new development. They also allow local communities to identify environmental areas of local importance that should be protected from inappropriate development.

Councillor David Harrison, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure at Malvern Hills District Council, said: "This is a significant planning document that will help determine, alongside the South Worcestershire Development Plan, whether various types of development proposals in Leigh and Bransford are supported or not. It is therefore important that the people of Leigh and Bransford let us know whether or not they support the intentions and policies in the Neighbourhood Plan by casting their vote in the Neighbourhood Plan referendum on 3 November."

Councillor John Sharp, Chairman of Leigh and Bransford Parish Council, said: "The rural nature of our villages is fundamental to the character of our area. Our Neighbourhood Plan aims to maintain and improve that character and to address the needs and wishes of those who live, work, socialise and relax within the parish."

Only residents living in the parishes of Leigh and Bransford will be eligible to vote in the referendum. Voting on 3 November will take place at the Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall between 7am and 10 pm.

Visit to read the plan in full.

Additional notes:

  1. Neighbourhood planning was introduced through the Localism Act 2011. Neighbourhood planning legislation came into effect in April 2012.

2.Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to:

agree a neighbourhood development plan (also known as a neighbourhood plan)

make a neighbourhood development order

make a Community Right to Build order

3.A neighbourhood plan can establish general planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood, including:

where new homes and offices should be built

what they should look like

  1. Neighbourhood Plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP). A Neighbourhood Plan can be used to promote more development than is set out in the SWDP but should not promote less development.
  1. In areas where a parish or town council exists, these are the only bodies that can prepare a neighbourhood plan. The whole of Malvern Hills District is parished. Therefore, parish and town councils are the only bodies that can prepare a neighbourhood plan in the District.
  2. More information about neighbourhood plans in Malvern Hills District, and the parishes that have been granted neighbourhood area status is available at

Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek