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Malvern Hills District Council makes progress on carbon reduction plan

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Malvern Hills District Council makes progress on carbon reduction plan

Malvern Hills District Council (MHDC) has announced it is on track with its plan to reduce its own carbon emissions and achieve net-zero by 2030.

During the council's Executive Committee meeting (20 September) a progress report of the Destination Zero Plan was put forward, as well as an update on the achievements during 2021/22.

In 2019, MHDC approved a motion to declare a climate emergency and adopted the plan which sets out the aim of achieving net-zero carbon emissions for the Council's own operations by 2030, as well as leading the district to be net-zero by 2050 at the very latest.

The latest data shows that MHDC's own emissions for 2021/22 were 1,550 tonnes CO2e – this is an 11% reduction on the 2018/19 baseline when the Destination Zero plan was adopted.

Monitoring has revealed that the council's emissions are steadily falling, broadly in line with a trajectory to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030.

The latest available data shows that emissions in the overall Malvern Hills District in 2020 were 345.8 ktCO2e. This represents a 33% decrease on the 2005 baseline.

The progress report also set out some key projects that progressed last year, the most notable include:

  • Launched the Destination Zero crowdfunding programme with funding to help community organisations reduce carbon emissions, tackle climate change and improve the natural environment.
  • Provided funding to the Malvern Hills Car Club to set up satellite car clubs around the district, to set up and online booking system, promote membership and upgrade vehicles to EV cars.
  • £545k of Government funding was successfully bid for through Phase 2 of the Green Homes Grant Local Delivery Scheme. This funding is being used to provide energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to households in the district.
  • Implemented energy efficiency improvements to Malvern Theatres after successfully bidding for a £147k from the Government's Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.
  • Started restoring the 45 acres of council-owned land at Hallow to a species-rich wildflower flood meadow. The council is tracking progress to 2030 and beyond with ongoing monitoring and this month nearly 100 soil core samples were taken across the site.

Cllr Beverley Nielsen, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services at Malvern Hills District Council, said: "We are promoting strong initiatives to progress the actions within the Destination Zero Plan. We are making important steps towards creating a greener and more sustainable district for years to come and will be monitoring progress by partners in receipt of funding too.

"I am pleased that our investment in Hallow enables us not only to become guardians of this land, but that through the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and local nature recovery strategies we will be able to deliver BNG offset income next year of between £600k-£1m which we can in turn invest into other nature recovery investments locally."

Visit to read more about the Destination Zero Plan.

Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek