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Authorities' Monitoring Reports

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Authorities' Monitoring Reports

The purpose of Authorities' Monitoring Reports (AMRs), is to report progress on the local plan against the timetable and milestones set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), and to assess the extent to which planning policies are being implemented.

The AMR assesses whether policies are achieving their objectives and whether sustainable development is being delivered; if policies have had their intended consequences; whether policy assumptions and objectives behind policies are still relevant; and if targets set in the plan are being achieved.

Changes to the Monitoring Process

The Council previously had a duty to produce and submit Annual Monitoring Reports to the Government.

The Localism Act removed the requirement for local planning authorities to produce an annual monitoring report for Government, while retaining the overall duty to monitor.

On 30th March 2011 government guidance on local plan monitoring was withdrawn.

Certain aspect of monitoring remain legislative requirements whilst others can be determined locally and through the development of local plans.

From the 2011/12 edition, AMRs will be termed 'Authorities' Monitoring Reports'.

The 2010 edition was the first joint Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) prepared for South Worcestershire by the constituent local planning authorities of Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District Council.

Whilst the three South Worcestershire authorities will continue to undertake a joint monitoring approach (see the South Worcestershire Development Plan website for further joint monitoring information), separate AMRs were produced for the 2010/11 monitoring period.

Authority Monitoring Reports cover the period 1st April  - 31st March of each monitoring year.

Malvern Hills District monitoring reports since 2004/05 can be downloaded by following the links below:

Information relating to the monitoring of Housing Land and Employment Land Monitoring is also available.


Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek