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Employment Land Monitoring

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Employment Land Monitoring

The Employment Land Availability (ELA) Monitor is the principle source of information for reporting on employment land development within Malvern Hills District each year and contributes to the District Council's primary monitoring document, the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR).

The ELA is used to assess progress towards meeting the employment land allocation requirement for Malvern Hills District as part of the now adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP).

The report outlines the details of individual employment sites with the benefit of planning permission that have either been constructed, are under construction or remain outstanding and reports on the overall supply of available employment land in the district for the monitoring year. The status of each site is obtained from individual site checks carried out by planning officers in the spring of each year.

Employment sites are those that fall within Class B of the Use Classes Order and are defined as Class B1 – Business (including offices not within Class A2, research and development, studios, laboratories, hi technology uses and light industry); Class B2 –General industry; and Class B8 – Storage or Distribution (wholesale warehouses, repositories).

The published Employment Land Monitoring Reports since 2008/09 can be downloaded via the links below:

Other Monitoring Reports of Interest

Worcestershire County Economic Assessment.

The assessment provides local authorities, businesses and partners with a comprehensive picture of local economic conditions and priorities.

The report contains key facts, figures and analysis that will help businesses, the public sector and other organisations.

Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek