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Planning Policy Framework

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Planning Policy Framework

The Development Plan

The 'development plan' is the starting point for the consideration of planning applications. Together with national planning policy, it provides the planning framework to guide future land use and planning decisions.

The adopted development plan for Malvern Hills District currently consists of:

In Production:

An updated Minerals Local Plan is currently being produced by Worcestershire County Council.

A Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD is also currently being produced for South Worcestershire.

Supplementary guidance

Supplementary guidance is produced to give more detail on the application of policy, either for specific sites or on specific subjects.

SPDs do not have 'development plan' status but are subject to public consultation and are 'material considerations' in the determination of planning applications.

Older Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) are gradually being replaced by the newer style.

What does the planning policy framework contain?

The planning policy framework consists of a series of Local Development Documents (LDDs).

These include Development Plan Documents (DPDs), Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI); together with associated management and monitoring documents.

  • Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the documents that the Council will be producing as part of its Local Plan.
  • Authorities' Monitoring Reportsreports progress against the timetable set out in the LDS and assesses the extent to which development plan policies are being implemented.
  • Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)sets out how and when you can become involved in plan-making and development control decisions .
  • The South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) is a joint Development Plan Document involving collaborative work between Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District Councils. This document combines the previously proposed South Worcestershire Joint Core Strategy (SWJCS) and Site Allocations and Policies DPDs into a single plan. The SWDP was adopted on 25th February 2016.
  • Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) SPDs do not have 'development plan' status but are used to provide more detail on how policies set out in the development plan will be applied. SPDs are subject to public consultation and are 'material considerations' in the determination of planning applications.

Evidence Base

The 'evidence base' is the term used to describe the studies and assessments that support the development of planning policies. A robust evidence base is an essential part of ensuring that policies and plans are soundly based, and reflect the needs and opportunities within the District.

Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek