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The Malvern Hills District Local Plan (1996-2011)

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In this section
The Malvern Hills District Local Plan (1996-2011)

This plan is now superseded by the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP)

The Malvern Hills District Local Plan 1996-2011 was adopted on 12 July 2006.

It was prepared under the 'old style' plan-making system.

Following the introduction of a new plan making system in 2004, transitional arrangements were put in place to allow the automatic saving of the adopted policies for a period of three years until July 2009.

Malvern Hills District Council successfully applied have most of the Local Plan policies saved beyond that date.

On July 9th 2009, the Government confirmed the list of saved policies.

The following Local Plan Policies were not saved (now superseded by the SWDP)

  •    DS2    Sustainable Development
  •    DS6    Phasing of residential Allocations
  •    DS16  Development and Flood Risk
  •    EP3    Office development
  •    EP4    Design Standards for Employment Sites
  •    EP5    Home Based Businesses
  •    EP11  Food and Drink Establishments
  •    EP19  Land off Pickersleigh Road, Malvern
  •    QL18  Protected Species
  •    QL23  Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  •    QL24  Landscape Character
  •    QL25  Protecting Water Supply
  •    QL26  Pollution Control
  •    QL27  Foul Drainage
  •    QL28  Surface Water Drainage
  •    QL29  Contaminated Land
  •    QL30  Renewable Energy
  •    ST2    Public Transport, Walking  and Cycling
  •    ST3    Parking, Servicing and Commuted Parking Requirements
  •    ST4    Minimising Travel Impacts
  •    CN6    Efficient Use of Land for residential Development
  •    CN11  Gypsy Sites

1996-2011 Local Plan - written statement

Other useful documents

1996-2011 Local Plan - localised maps

Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek
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Malvern Hills 2015 - by Jan Sedlacek