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What is the Small Change Big Difference campaign?

We want to help end homelessness for good. Together with charities, housing providers, and different organisations we are working hard to do just that.

We know you want to play your part too and we are often asked by people what they can do to help.

Malvern Hills District Council works in partnership with many organisations to help prevent people from sleeping rough in the first place, and to make the long-term changes needed to get them off the streets for good if they do find themselves in that situation.

The small change Big Difference campaign aims to highlight this work and encourage people to donate to projects already working to improve the lives of those on the streets or at risk of ending up there. It is a safe and secure way for you to help fund practical support to people sleeping rough in our district. If  everyone gives whatever they can afford in a way that will make the biggest impact, then that small change can add up to a really big difference.

We also want to encourage people to tell us where they see rough sleepers using the Street Link service, so our outreach team can find those people and begin supporting them.

Charities supporting the campaign

There are lots of charities working to support those who are homeless, including rough sleepers. On this page we have listed local projects we are working with and how they will spend whatever money you donate to benefit local people in need.

Any money you give will go directly to the charities to help fund their work. A small percentage – usually less than 1p – will be taken by the various donation platform providers, but we will not take a penny of your donation. So almost 100% of what you give will go straight to projects working to help those who are homeless.

If you are charity in the Malvern Hills District working to support people sleeping rough and would like to be involved in the campaign then please contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Local projects working to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping

Maggs Day Centre

Maggs runs day centres in Worcester and Malvern. They provide homeless people somewhere warm and dry to go as well as access to the basics we all take for granted – a safe place to be, toilets, showers, a hot drink and someone to talk to. They also provide hot meals, clothing and mentoring and support for those ready to make changes to get off the streets and back into mainstream community life.

Donate to Maggs Day Centre

How can I help?

You can help those sleeping rough by doing one or all of the following things:

  • Donate to the charities involved in the Small change Big difference campaign.
  • Use Street Link to tell us if you see someone sleeping rough(opens in a new window). Our outreach team will go out and find the person and begin a conversation with them. By building trust and a relationship with someone we hope they will eventually accept our offer of help to get them off the streets for good.
  • Volunteer your time with one of the charities involved in the campaign. You can contact them directly to find out what opportunities there may be.