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Thanks to young people's feedback as part of our 2018 Bigger Picture Survey, we worked with Malvern Hills District Youth Action Network (MHYAN) partners to develop the Futureproof campaign. Aimed at helping you to develop your skills, build confidence and feel a part of your community. Check out the webpage for more details and watch this space for more information on our 2023 campaign.

Our Youth Forum

Could you be a Youth Advisor?

It has been a busy two years for the Youth Forum and we are now looking for more young people to get involved and make a difference. Malvern Hills District Council is looking for more Youth Advisors to join the team. 

What to expect

  • Make your CV stand out from the rest
  • Get involved with local decision making
  • Develop life skills
  • Lead campaigns and work with our Youth Forum to distribute funding to support local youth projects

The role of a Youth Advisor is exciting and varied. You will have an opportunity to manage a budget, question decision makers, get involved in consultations, develop campaigns and build skills such as chairing meetings, but only if you want to!

The Youth Forum will agree their own priorities and in the last two years these have been - mental wellbeing and the environment. The Forum included questions on mental wellbeing in the most recent Bigger Picture Survey and are helping to plan the district's first ever Youth Climate Summit.

It's a busy time of life for our young people so the average time commitment for the role is approximately two hours per month and there is a team day held twice a year.

Who can apply?

Any young person aged 11-17 years old, who lives and/or studies in the Malvern Hills District. If you aren't sure if you do, you can use our postcode checker.

How to apply?

You can either complete the short expression of interest form on jotforms or you can submit a video of you telling us why you'd like the role, why you think you'd be good at it, what priorities you'd like to focus on and what you'd like to get out of it - see the role description for more details on how to apply.

You won’t be interviewed for the role. Instead, we will arrange an informal catch-up with you to find out more about you and what you hope to gain from the experience.

We are happy to make adjustments to this informal catch-up, for instance if you would prefer to speak to us online or on the phone rather than in person, we are happy to accommodate this or perhaps you would like someone to accompany you. Please include any requests like this in your email when submitting your expression of interest. 

document Youth Advisor role description (55 KB)

Complete the short expression of interest form on jotforms

This is a fantastic opportunity for any young person who wants to get involved and develop their skills. Don't just take our word for it though. Listen on Youtube to our previous Youth Chairperson, Matthew Knight, sharing his experience of the role.

You can contact the Youth Forum by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 01684 862449. We will keep you updated on their progress on our social media sites and by email bulletins, which you can sign up to at Email Alerts (and tick the option for ‘youth’ updates).

The Youth Chairperson's Fund 2022-23

The Malvern Hills District Council Youth Chair’s Fund is £1,000 that the Youth Chair is offering to fund exciting projects in the district designed by the district’s young people. A group of young people can apply for up to £500, to fund short-term projects, celebrations, trips and equipment that will benefit other local young people and their communities in the district. Not sure if your area is covered by the district? (check your postcode at My Local Area)

In 2021/22, the Youth Chair's Fund supported a big birthday bash at Malvern Cube Youth projects, a chess club in Hanley Castle, a youth theatre production in Tenbury and youth mentoring scheme at Dyson Perrins high school.

In 2020/2021, Tenbury High Ormiston Academy received £500 towards purchasing and furnishing its ‘Time to Talk Cabin’, which provides a safe space for students to talk about and seek support with their mental health and wellbeing. Watch the video of the cabin.

Perfect Circle Theatre Group was given £250 to hire a professional videographer to work with their young people to create a short film based on their ideas and playwriting projects, teaching them how to film and edit.

Upton Young Farmers was given £250 towards a new member's induction day, following a difficult period for small clubs and organisations, with the recent pandemic. Upton Young Farmers are now keen to promote the club and gather new members.

The fund enables young people to have a say in young people-focused projects that are delivered in the Malvern Hills district.

Projects must complete within one year of the funding being awarded.

Who is eligible to apply?

A young person or a group of young people who are 11-17 years old and live or go to school in the district. You will need an adult sponsor organisation to support your application too. document Take a look at the criteria for all the details you need. (55 KB)

The Bigger Picture Survey- you said, we did

Young people remain a group that we consistently fail to hear from whenever we engage with our residents. We have been doing a lot of work to try and change that. Thank you to everyone that took part in our Bigger Picture Survey in 2022.

pdf View the results of the Bigger Picture Survey 2022. (5.05 MB)

Following this survey, we will be working with our partners to develop actions that targeted some of the key issues young people have raised with us.

The last survey we did was in 2018 where we developed a four-year action plan. 

pdf View the results from our Bigger Picture Survey 2018. (1.59 MB)

pdf Read four-year action plan (2.20 MB)

Have Your Say

There are lots of ways to tell us what you think:

  • Contact your Youth Chairperson and Advisors by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Attend or join the Worcestershire Youth Cabinet - The Worcestershire Youth Cabinet is a group of young people (aged 11 to 18) who aim to provide all of the young people who live in Worcestershire with a voice – a voice that is heard and listened to by local, regional and national government, by providers of services for young people and by any other agencies who have an interest in the views and needs of young people.
  • Respond to our Consultations - we consult residents on a range of council priorities.
  • Contact your local councillors - who are your representatives on the district council. Not sure which ward you live in? Find out using the My Local Area Search
  • Contact your MP - Harriett Baldwin
  • Submit a question to a meeting of the full council - you can submit a question to our Council or Overview & Scrutiny Committees on anything relating to issues that affect the general economic, social or environmental well-being of the community. 
  • Organise and present a petition - anyone who lives, works or studies in the Malvern Hills district can organise a petition.